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Endorsement Logo


Endorsement Logo


Endorsement Logo


Brand Hierarchy

KRAFTON represents the overall brand image for all its subsidiary studios and products. Under the master brand, there are studio/product brands and sub-brands. The sub-brands include eSports, AI game development, CSR activities like Jungle, and various in-house programs. Each brand operates with its own independent marketing strategy and brand identity, yet they all follow the values and direction pursued by KRAFTON.

*The logos used in the below have been selectively employed to help understand the portfolio represented by the KRAFTON brand.

Master Brand

The KRAFTON brand is located at the highest level and represents the comprehensive brand image and values of all subsidiary studios and products.

Studio Brand

The studio brand is located under the KRAFTON brand and forms the brand image of a specific game product through its own development style or specialized genre. The studio brand must have its own marketing strategy and brand identity, but must be consistent with the overall value and direction of the KRAFTON brand.

Product Brand (IP)

A product brand is a specific game developed by a KRAFTON's studio that reflects the image of the studio brands and the KRAFTON brand while delivering unique game characteristics and player experiences. The game brand represents the studio's technical prowess and creativity, while maintaining KRAFTON's quality standards and consistency.

Co-Display Logos

Co-Display Logos

(KRAFTON logo, Studio logo, Partner Logos with Game Titles)

(KRAFTON logo, Studio logo, Partner Logos with Game Titles)

This section provides guidance on how the master brand(KRAFTON) and other associated logos should be positioned and displayed alongside product(game titles). It is crucial to ensure that the master brand is consistently and appropriately represented with the correct prominence. Consistent and clear brand exposure is essential for effective communication and maintaining brand integrity across all platforms and media. These guidelines ensure a unified and cohesive brand presentation.

A general notation guide is as follows:

*Constructed using Bluehole Studio as an example. The same applies to all KRAFTON Studios.
  1. Master Brand Only with Game Title

    In this scenario, only the master brand logo is displayed alongside the game title. This approach ensures clear and focused KRAFTON brand representation without additional visual clutter.

  1. Master Brand Only with Game Title

    In this scenario, only the master brand logo is displayed alongside the game title. This approach ensures clear and focused KRAFTON brand representation without additional visual clutter.

  1. Co-Displaying Master Brand and Studio Logos

    When co-displaying the master brand logo and studio logos, it's important to create a cohesive visual presentation that highlights both entities effectively. The studio logo should complement the master brand logo without overshadowing it, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the production. This approach reinforces brand unity while acknowledging and incorporating the studio's creative personality.

  1. Co-Displaying Master Brand, Studio, and Partner Logos

    When displaying the master brand logo, studio logo, and partner logos such as Unreal, it's important to maintain a clear visual hierarchy. The master brand logo and studio logo should be presented side by side to emphasize their relationship. The license logo should be placed at a distance to distinguish it from the primary and studio logos, ensuring that each logo retains its significance and clarity.

  1. Co-Displaying Master Brand and External Publisher Logo

    When co-displaying the publisher brand logo with the master brand logo, it is crucial to maintain clear separation to avoid visual confusion. Ensure both logos are clearly visible and retain their respective importance. This arrangement emphasizes the partnership while preserving the unique identity and significance of each brand.

More Tips

Q. Should KRAFTON Brand and Studio Brand Logos Always Be Displayed Separately from Other Partner Logos?

  1. This guideline recommends that our brand maintains clear and focused visual representation by minimizing visual clutter with other elements. While it is important to follow this recommendation, adjustments may be necessary depending on the environment and circumstances. Generally, all logos can be arranged horizontally or vertically with separators to ensure clarity. ensuring that each logo retains its significance and clarity.

Q. Why is the External Publisher Logo Displayed Before the Master Brand Logo? Does it Mean the External Publisher Has Higher Priority in the Brand Hierarchy?

  1. In some regions, the external publisher’s brand recognition and strong local presence are leveraged by displaying their logo before the master brand logo. This strategy maximizes marketing effectiveness and reaches a wider audience by utilizing the publisher's established reputation. However, this does not mean that the external publisher has a higher priority in the brand hierarchy. The master brand logo is always included and can be adjusted based on market conditions or business decisions in the target region.

Things to Avoid

The Master Brand is Never Excluded

While the external publisher logo may be displayed first in certain regions, the master brand logo is never excluded.

The Master Brand and Studio Brand are Not Separated When Co-Displaying with Partner Logo

When co-displaying logos with external partners, the master brand and studio brand are not separated. These two logos are placed together to emphasize the close partnership and unified identity of our internal brands. This approach maintains a strong and cohesive brand presence while still acknowledging the involvement of external partners.

Opening Credits Sequence

It is important to define the relationships between various internal and external brands associated with KRAFTON. A clear distinction between each brand level allows target marketing strategies to be implemented more effectively. This section provides basic guidelines on the presentation order and appearance of brand-related logos and credits before the start of the game. By following these guidelines, you can create a seamless and engaging experience for players from the moment they launch the game.

🅰 External Publisher Logo

This logo signifies the external publisher involved with the product. It typically appears at the beginning, but can also be positioned before the product logo (🅵) based on marketing strategy. Note that this logo may not always be present in the sequence.

🅱 KRAFTON Logo (Master Brand)

This represents the master brand logo of KRAFTON, which serves as the primary identifier of the brand. It should be given the highest priority and placed at the beginning whenever possible.

🅲 Master Brand & Studio Logo

This combined logo represents both the master brand KRAFTON and the specific studio, such as BLUEHOLE. It can be used in place of the individual master brand and studio logos.

🅳 Studio Logo

This is the logo of the specific studio under KRAFTON, such as BLUEHOLE.

🅴 Partner Logo (License)

This logo represents a partner or a licensed entity, such as the Unreal Engine. Note that this logo may not always be present in the sequence.

🅵 Product Logo

This logo represents the specific product, in this case, "Dark and Darker Mobile."

Optimizing Intro Sequences

In interactive content, extensive intro sequences can negatively impact user retention rates. To mitigate this, it is important to streamline the sequence wherever possible. For instance, as mentioned above, elements like B. Master Brand Logo and D. Studio Logo can be substituted with C. Combined Master Brand & Studio Logo to create a more concise presentation.

This guide outlines the basic structure, but when a shorter sequence is needed, it should still adhere to the essential order, maintaining the prominence of the master brand, and considering market conditions and marketing strategies. Examples of streamlining techniques include combining the publisher, master brand, and studio brand into one sequence, or displaying the studio logo and license brand simultaneously with the game title.

Please refer to the "Co-Display Logos" section above for guidelines on displaying multiple brand logos within a single image rather than a sequence. This section provides valuable insights for creating a minimal yet effective branding sequence. By leveraging these guidelines, you can ensure a seamless and engaging introduction that retains player attention.

Endorsement Logo

The KRAFTON logo can be combined with a phrase specifying its role to communicate the strategic relationship with partner brands. If the length of the phrase exceeds the area specified in the guide, consult the responsible department for production and use.

Attached Type
Single-line Type

Attached Type Structure

🅰 Text Safe Area

Descriptor must not exceed the horizontal length of the primary logo and should be no taller than 0.65 times the height (H) of the primary logo. If the length of the descriptor becomes too long, adjust the font size accordingly to ensure it fits within these dimensions.

🅱 Descriptor Typography

  • Font : Pretendard Medium

  • Kerning : Optical

  • Spacing : -15

Single-line Type Structure

🅰 Text Safe Area

Descriptor must not exceed 1.5 times the horizontal length of the primary logo and should be no taller than 0.7 times the height (H) of the primary logo. If the length of the descriptor becomes too long, adjust the font size accordingly to ensure it fits within these dimensions.

🅱 Descriptor Typography

  • Font : Pretendard Medium

  • Kerning : Optical

  • Spacing : -15


The guide states that if additional 'descriptive text' is needed beyond the certified logo included, it should be created and used after consulting with the relevant department.

Sponsored by

When KRAFTON provides financial support or resources for an event or project. This indicates that while KRAFTON is not directly organizing or creating the activity, it is involved as a significant sponsor.

Presented by

When KRAFTON plays a major role in an event, product, or project. This emphasizes that KRAFTON is a key provider of the content or event.

Published by

When KRAFTON distributes or services a product or service. This means that KRAFTON is directly involved in the launch and distribution of the product or service.

Powered by

When a product or service operates based on KRAFTON’s technology or platform. This shows that KRAFTON’s technology is a crucial component of the product or service.


Here are examples for the use of Attached Type and Single-line Type. Refer to the cases included in the guide, and if it is difficult to decide, consult with the relevant department before using them.

Use the "Published by" logo for IPs produced or distributed by KRAFTON.
Use the "Powered by" logo for educational materials and products based on KRAFTON's intellectual property.
Use the "Presented by" logo for events utilizing KRAFTON's IP.
Use the "Sponsored by" logo for companies receiving financial or human resources support from KRAFTON.
Use the "Powered by" logo for solutions based on KRAFTON's technology or platform.
Use the "Powered by" logo for products based on KRAFTON's technology or platform.
Do not use the certification logo alone without the logo of the endorsed entity in the visual/material.
Do not allow the certification logo to overshadow the endorsed logo in terms of position, size, and color.
Do not use the certification logo in conjunction with other logos.



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON