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Overseas Logos


Overseas Logos


Overseas Logos


Logo Animation


Logo Animation


Logo Animation


Primary Logo

The KRAFTON logo is the most important asset that encapsulates our brand identity and core values.

Our brand name, "Keep the Craftsmanship on," succinctly expresses our identity: a persistent challenge fueled by passion, unafraid of failure, in pursuit of creating masterpiece games. The logotype representing our brand captures KRAFTON's initial vision as a master of game creation, creating a unique visual narrative with its strong serif form that distinguishes it from other brands.

The logo, embodying KRAFTON's essence, must be used consistently and clearly across all media to reflect our expertise and values.

Clear Space

To protect the KRAFTON logo from other visual elements, it is important to maintain a minimum clear space around the logo. No other graphic elements should intrude into this space. The size of this clear space is defined by the horizontal width of the "O" in the KRAFTON logo.

Minimum Size

To ensure the logo is always clearly recognizable, do not use it smaller than the minimum size. The minimum size for the logo, based on its horizontal length, is specified below.

  • Print: 15mm/300dpi

  • Digital: 60px/72dpi

More Tips

Q. How are logos aligned within the grid?

  1. In most cases, logos are aligned to the grid using the serif endpoints on the left and right, as shown in example 🅰. However, as the logo size increases, the whitespace created by aligning to the serifs becomes more noticeable. To fine-tune and minimize this unnecessary whitespace, it is recommended to align the vertical lines to the grid, rather than the serif endpoints, as shown in example 🅱.

🅰 When the serif endpoints on the left and right of the logo are aligned to the grid.
🅱 When the vertical lines of the logo are aligned to the grid.


In this section, we provide clear guidelines on how to correctly and incorrectly use KRAFTON Logo. Following these instructions ensures that our brand is consistently represented and maintains its integrity across all touchpoints.

Use larger size logos without adhering to margin regulations when necessary, depending on the context of the material.
Rotate the logo 90˚ clockwise or counterclockwise for vertical use.
Apply transparency when using the logo as a watermark.
Do not use the font to type 'KRAFTON' as a substitute for the logo.
Do not use a border effect on the logo.
Do not use a shadow effect on the logo.
Do not alter proportions or use colors that are not specified.
Do not use the logo over complex images/colors that impair visibility.
Do not use the old logo (shield-shaped).


In brand design, the placement of the logo plays a crucial role in shaping brand perception. This section provides guidelines on how the logo should be effectively positioned across various media and environments.

On Print

🅰 Regular logo placement

The general logo placement follows the basic form of displaying the KRAFTON logo at the top or bottom, left or right of a page or document cover.

🅱 Big logo placement

To emphasize the logo, it can be used at full width and aligned to the bottom margin. If necessary, it can be aligned to the top margin.

🅲 Big logo placement-90˚ Rotated

In narrow documents or long formats, the logo can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise to emphasize its use.

On Screen

The KRAFTON logo should be centrally aligned as standard in all media productions, and it must be used at a size that ensures sufficient visibility.

The size of the logo is determined based on the height of the screen, and production should reference the recommended minimum and maximum sizes.

🅰 16:9

The minimum size is 10% of the screen height, and the maximum size is 20% of the screen height.

🅱 1:1

The minimum size is 7% of the screen height, and the maximum size is 12% of the screen height.

🅲 19.5:9 (Mobile)

The minimum size is 4% of the screen height, and the maximum size is 6% of the screen height.

🅳 64:19 (KRAFTON Wall)

The minimum size is 10% of the screen height, and the maximum size is 48% of the screen height.

Channel Watermarks

It is recommended to apply the watermark in videos at a location that does not interfere with the content, with a transparency of 70%. The transparency and size can be adjusted flexibly depending on the situation.

🅰 Horizontal 16:9

It is recommended to align to the top right corner, but alignment can be adjusted to other positions depending on the situation.

🅱 Vertical 16:9

If the video frame is smaller than the screen, utilize the margin space to place the logo. Alignment can be adjusted to different positions depending on the situation.

🅲 Vertical 1:1

🅲 Vertical 1:1

Overseas logo

This section provides guidelines for the usage of logos for KRAFTON's overseas subsidiaries. It is crucial to maintain consistency and coherence in brand representation across all regions. These guidelines ensure that each subsidiary's logo aligns with the overall brand identity while accommodating local nuances. Adhering to these standards helps in preserving the integrity and recognition of the KRAFTON brand globally.

Logo Structure

🅰 Region Typography

  • Font: KRAFTON Sans Bold

  • Kerning: Auto

  • Spacing: 450

  • Capitalization: All Caps


Guidelines for using the primary logo and Overseas logos

Primary logo

The Primary logo represents KRAFTON globally as the official logo. It is primarily used for global brand representation. Here are the scenarios where the Primary logo should be used:

  1. Global Marketing and Advertising Materials: Use the Primary logo in advertising campaigns and marketing materials that are globally released to convey KRAFTON's consistent brand message.

  2. Global Launches of Games and Services: The Primary logo should be used on products and packages targeting the global market serviced by KRAFTON. This enhances international recognition of the products.

  3. Official Documents and Communications Representing the Entire Brand: In official documents, press releases, and important announcements, use the Primary logo to represent the overall KRAFTON brand.
Overseas logo

The regional logo represents specific KRAFTON subsidiaries in particular regions. It is used to address specific local needs and contexts. Here are the scenarios where the regional logo should be used:

The regional logo represents specific KRAFTON subsidiaries in particular regions. It is used to address specific local needs and contexts. Here are the scenarios where the regional logo should be used:

The regional logo represents specific KRAFTON subsidiaries in particular regions. It is used to address specific local needs and contexts. Here are the scenarios where the regional logo should be used:

  1. Regional Marketing and Advertising Materials: Use the regional logo in marketing campaigns and advertisements targeting specific regional markets to foster familiarity and trust among local customers.

  2. Localized Products and Packaging: Use the regional logo on products and packaging served in specific regions to effectively communicate with local consumers.

  3. Official Documents and Communications within Specific Countries: When producing official documents or communications within a particular country or region, emphasize local identity by using the regional logo.

Logo Animation

Logo animation adds dynamic elements to a static logo design, enhancing brand identity visually in a short time, capturing user attention, and creating memorable experiences. It can be used across various media such as in-game content, presentations, and more. Depending on the medium or environment, you can choose from several available styles and durations to fit your needs.

Creative Spark Version

Basic (0:05)
Logo Only (0:04)

Basic Version

Basic (0:03)



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON



Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON