KRAFTON Brand Center

KRAFTON Brand Center


KRAFTON Brand Center

KRAFTON Brand Center


Please note that this Brand Center is currently in its beta version. Some features may still be under development. We will be collecting feedback during this period to help us improve.

현재 이 브랜드 센터는 베타 버전입니다. 일부 기능은 아직 개발 중일 수 있습니다.
이 기간 동안 피드백을 수집하여 개선에 반영할 예정입니다.

Please note that this Brand Center is currently in its beta version. Some features may still be under development. We will be collecting feedback during this period to help us improve.

현재 이 브랜드 센터는 베타 버전입니다. 일부 기능은 아직 개발 중일 수 있습니다.
이 기간 동안 피드백을 수집하여 개선에 반영할 예정입니다.

Please note that this Brand Center is currently in its beta version. Some features may still be under development. We will be collecting feedback during this period to help us improve.

현재 이 브랜드 센터는 베타 버전입니다. 일부 기능은 아직 개발 중일 수 있습니다.
이 기간 동안 피드백을 수집하여 개선에 반영할 예정입니다.


This brand guide is designed for our team and partners who are involved in building KRAFTON's brand communication and experience at every touchpoint.

This guide goes beyond merely introducing visual elements; it includes ways to convey our values and vision through visual language. It defines how we encapsulate our messages, what makes us unique, and how we want to be perceived by the world. Through this, we define KRAFTON's visual identity, including logos, colors, and various design elements, emphasizing unique features that distinguish us from other brands.

Our stories and experiences come to life and expand through these design decisions, reaching users worldwide. In building KRAFTON, we value consistency, simplicity, and clarity, and these principles are reflected throughout our communication strategy and design language, ensuring that our messages are conveyed more effectively.

We hope this guide helps our team, partners, and the community clearly understand our values and vision, enabling everyone to move forward in the same direction.

Brand eXperience Department

KRAFTON Identity Visual Concept Video


Behind creation lies a continuous process of challenges and failures.
However, we do not stop, we constantly further our horizons,
moving toward a future where the belief in entertainment as a powerful force is realized.

Capturing this journey, our goal is to make our brand clear and easy to understand for those who encounter it.
This visual concept movie was developed based on this goal.

Through this story-driven journey of Creative Spark,
we aim to convey the essence of our guidelines.





Creativity begins with a single dream.

From dream to reality, and onto the world stage.

The journey of creation is infinitely complex.

Behind every creation are untold challenges,

and there exists the dedicated efforts of many.

Throughout this journey,

we aim to discover new possibilities.

With the combined strength of diverse global creatives
and a relentless pursuit of innovation,

we continue to scale up to bigger challenges.

Deeper than we've achieved

Wider than we've explored

Further than we've envisioned

Our journey is underway.

Creativity begins with a single dream.

From dream to reality, and onto the world stage.

The journey of creation is infinitely complex.

Behind every creation are untold challenges,

and there exists the dedicated efforts of many.

Throughout this journey,

we aim to discover new possibilities.

With the combined strength of diverse global creatives
and a relentless pursuit of innovation,

we continue to scale up to bigger challenges.

Deeper than we've achieved

Wider than we've explored

Further than we've envisioned

Our journey is underway.

Creativity begins with a single dream.

From dream to reality, and onto the world stage.

The journey of creation is infinitely complex.

Behind every creation are untold challenges,

and there exists the dedicated efforts of many.

Throughout this journey,

we aim to discover new possibilities.

With the combined strength of diverse global creatives
and a relentless pursuit of innovation,

we continue to scale up to bigger challenges.

Deeper than we've achieved

Wider than we've explored

Further than we've envisioned

Our journey is underway.




크리에이티브는 하나의 꿈으로부터 시작됩니다.

꿈에서 현실로, 그리고 더 큰 세상으로.

창작의 길은 매우 복잡한 여정입니다.

모든 창작의 이면에는 보이지 않는 도전들이 있고,

많은 이들의 끊임없는 노력이 있습니다.

이 여정에서 우리는 새로운 가능성을

발견하고자 합니다.

다양한 글로벌 크리에이티브들의 결합과

끊임없는 혁신으로

우리는 더 큰 도전을 향해 나아갑니다.

우리가 이룬 것보다 더 깊이

우리가 탐험한 것보다 더 넓게

우리가 상상한 것보다 더 멀리

크래프톤의 여정은 계속됩니다

크리에이티브는 하나의 꿈으로부터 시작됩니다.

꿈에서 현실로, 그리고 더 큰 세상으로.

창작의 길은 매우 복잡한 여정입니다.

모든 창작의 이면에는 보이지 않는 도전들이 있고,

많은 이들의 끊임없는 노력이 있습니다.

이 여정에서 우리는 새로운 가능성을

발견하고자 합니다.

다양한 글로벌 크리에이티브들의 결합과

끊임없는 혁신으로

우리는 더 큰 도전을 향해 나아갑니다.

우리가 이룬 것보다 더 깊이

우리가 탐험한 것보다 더 넓게

우리가 상상한 것보다 더 멀리

크래프톤의 여정은 계속됩니다

크리에이티브는 하나의 꿈으로부터 시작됩니다.

꿈에서 현실로, 그리고 더 큰 세상으로.

창작의 길은 매우 복잡한 여정입니다.

모든 창작의 이면에는 보이지 않는 도전들이 있고,

많은 이들의 끊임없는 노력이 있습니다.

이 여정에서 우리는 새로운 가능성을

발견하고자 합니다.

다양한 글로벌 크리에이티브들의 결합과

끊임없는 혁신으로

우리는 더 큰 도전을 향해 나아갑니다.

우리가 이룬 것보다 더 깊이

우리가 탐험한 것보다 더 넓게

우리가 상상한 것보다 더 멀리

크래프톤의 여정은 계속됩니다


Brand Experience Dept.
Audio Dept.
Creative Producer Team (Jonathan De Blois)
Media PR Team (Beomsoo Kim)


What's new

We are excited to introduce a new range of fonts to our brand design. KRAFTON Sans Font in Light, Medium, and Bold. Adding these new fonts allows for greater flexibility and consistency in our visual communication, ensuring that our messages are clear and impactful across all platforms.

A new logo animation has been added. This dynamic element brings our brand to life, enhancing engagement and creating a memorable visual experience. The new animation ensures that our logo stands out across all platforms, reinforcing our brand identity with every interaction.

With the new array of colors, we can convey our messages with greater energy and creativity. This expanded palette allows for more dynamic and engaging visual communication, enhancing our brand's identity across all platforms.

We have added new pictograms to our brand design. These pictograms enrich our visual language, making it easier to communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively. The new pictograms ensure that our brand messages are conveyed with clarity and impact across all platforms.


If you have any inquiries or need further information, please feel free to contact us using the details below.

  • Email:

  • Slack : #Ask-BX (Need Authorized KRAFTON ID)


Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON


Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON


Last updated June, 2024
Copyright © 2024 KRAFTON

KRAFTON Brand Center


KRAFTON Brand Center


KRAFTON Brand Center


KRAFTON Brand Center